Look up an explorer from your home country and share with the rest of us what s/he did and when. It could be an early or a modern day explorer.

*Remember to cite where you got your information just in case someone wants to read further about your explorer (google.com is not a source!). 


INDONISIAN CAPATAL. Jakarta had so many things; the variety stretched from
musical instruments to funny little cute puppets (even the boys laughed)!!!
We had two young guides to take us around their home! Also, we had two older
tour guides to help us out find our way around the traffic to Indonesia’s
famous sites. They took us to the airport, although we liked Jakarta we are
off to New Delhi, we are sad to leave this cultural phenomenon to go to

India, here we are

India the taste of spices that range for curry chilly powder to paprika it
is the place to eat tasty food. In India we experienced cultural differences
from the inside out. Nearly all the foods were spicy. We made our own food.
The only western food was tomatoes!!! WE love India and WE want to go back
soon, our favorite food was the street food and Indian ice cream!!! Even
though we loved the country of great spices we wanted to take a quiz on our
UN day knowledge and world currencies, wonders and capital cities in an
enjoyable but hard test!!! Good-bye spices.

Welcome to Australia

In Art Central (Australia) we made a piece of aboriginal art together with
all 80 hardworking artists. We each made a piece of puzzle and we glued it
and made a beautiful piece of artwork. All though we liked Art Central we
had to start helping the k2s have a buffet with a full on Australian
barbeque! After that we had our amazing buffet and left with full stomachs
and smiles on our cheery faces!

By: Roving reporters: Lauren James and Alison Lipski

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 This is reporters Miya and Taya live on ISS International news. On Thursday September we got visited by none other than the authors of England the two Steves themselves! And what was that reporter Taya? Ah yes their names are Steve Barlow (applause) and Steve Skidmore (more applause). Back to reporter Taya then folks.

Hello! Miya was totally stealing the mic! "We thought they were soooo funny and they called the little kids STICKIES", said 4th grader Lauren. Funny right folks?

They used to be drama teachers and boy did they learn from their experiences, right reporter Miya? and that's a good thing too because they used that in some of their books. And they made a ton of books!!!!!!! "We were all amazed," says 4th grader Anisah, "we thought they were awesome books". Back to you again Miya.

All right lets sum up this thing. Please visit their website and have a good laugh, please we're begging you please, please, please. and here we are kids! www.the2steves.net. Thank you for visiting our blog! Come again! This is reporters Miya and Taya live on ISS International news.